Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Switzlerand 2007 and Night Sledging

We decided we would like to go night sledging as a group - 4 adults and 4 kids. Now Sophie was with Kevin and the rest of us went on our own. There is NO light other than the moon and the little glow stick on the back of the person in front of you. The guide kept saying that your eyes will adjust to the moon light & you will be able to see just fine, well my eyes never adjusted. The sledge run is about 8 feet wide which isn't very wide in the night time. On one side you have the mountain and on the other side you have the straight drop down to the bottom plus some trees (to slow down your drop). If I had known what it was to be like before we went, I would not have allowed my girls to go. It was very nerve racking. We had a guide in front and about 12 of us following behind in single file. The only problem is when you can't get going and the people in front are taking off without you. There comes a point when you can no longer see the little green light - it can be a little unnerving. Even more unnerving is when Brittney & I got seperated from the pack and then she got going too fast for me to see her little green light. I found myself praying the entire way down (if I hadn't been praying I would have been cursing).

We were almost to the bottom and I could hear Sophie screaming at the top of her lungs - and make no mistake about it, this was not a scream of delight. She & Kevin had been running along at a pretty good pace when he hit an ice patch & flipped the sledge. She & Kevin went flying. She got up telling her dad off in a big way - she told him that he was FIRED and she would find another way down. Mom to the rescue, I walked her the rest of the way down (which wasn't much more).

The end to the evening was cheese fondue. It was so good. The kids weren't too impressed with the fondue so it left even more for us starving adults. The kids (& adults) were hoping for some chocolate fondue, but no such luck.

At the end of it all, I can say I have been night sledging and I will probably never do it again.

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