The last few days have been filled with so many emotions... I have 2 friends moving back to the states, we are getting ready to go back to the states for our first visit in 15 months, and today was Sophie's class assembly at school. WOW - I find myself crying at almost anything right now. I guess that is why I am glad there are no Hallmark commercials here in the UK :-)
Friends moving back to the states is a reality of living in a "temporary" environment. When you move an ocean away from family and friends, the ISE (International Service Employees) friends you make become your new family. I don't think I could have made it through the last 15 months if it weren't for my new ISE friends. We have Bible studies together, book clubs, lunches, brunches, shopping trips, sweating together at the gym, grumbling about our spouses (who doesn't do that at times :-)), bunco, euchere, you name it - we probably do it. But the most important thing we all do together is "have each other's back" - we help each other stay positive. I know we will still be friends when we get back, but life changes & absences can be scary.
When it comes to going back home in 2 weeks - I am so nervous. I have purposely avoided going home before now. I know it will not be the same; I know it will be tough at times & great at times. Things change and we have to be prepared for that. So, I have decided to focus on the things I know will be okay - I am looking forward to seeing my family; I am looking forward to being on the farm (I love all our land); I can't wait to visit Willow Hill; and I cannot wait to see friends. On a different note, the first place I want to eat is Alexanders ~ oh to have a good, juicy steak with a huge baked potato and the salad bar from heaven. Man, my mouth is watering just thinking about it.
Sophie's class assembly was awesome! She was so confident on stage. She was so proud of herself ~as she should have been. She had a small speaking part "I have two dogs that I take for a walk in the park with my family." I was amazed. She spoke clearly and projected her voice. It was more than enough to make a mom proud. But a warning to everyone back home - she has a strong British accent (maybe not strong to the Brit's but to us Americans, it is a strong accent).
The assembly started with 250+ kids from the school making there way into the hall. They walk so properly, are dressed so properly, and sit without making a sound. It was soooo cute. Then in walks Sophie's class - 30 kids all barefooted. They had them take their shoes off for assembly so they wouldn't be tempted to pound their feet on the stage :-). For anyone that knows Sophie, you know she was in heaven ~ nothing has changed in that respect, she loves to have her shoes off.
I was very proud of her. She did an excellent job. It was enough to make a mom tear up at times...
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