The program started with the kids singing "Sing Hosanna" and "Blessings and Honour" and ended with them singing "The Blessing of God" (at the bottom of the post I have included an Order of Service). Several children lead the assembly in prayer and prayer responses, Brittney's class recited Psalm 148 in a popcorn fashion, another student read from Matthew, and the Bishop of Peterborough gave a small message on the importance of the children having an encounter with Jesus first, then getting a good education. WOW! That would NEVER happen in America. I found myself having to wipe tears from eyes as I realized just how faithful God has and continues to be.
This is such an important time in Brittney and Sophie's life. I am so thankful that they are attending a school that feels it is a priority to teach the real meaning of life. There is not a day that goes by that one of them doesn't tell me about something they learned at school about the Bible or want to sing a new song they learned at school about God's amazing love.
So... I will end this post with the same message I gave a future ISE who was worried about schools and churches when moving her family to the UK from the US... God is on this side of the ocean as well!
- Leading in songs: Sing Hosanna, Blessing and Honour, We Are All Celebrating Today
- Welcome, introductions and opening prayer by Head teacher and the Vicar
- Song : God of the Morning
- Psalm 148 by Class 17 (Brittney's class)
- Song: I'm Going to Paint a Perfect Picture
- Prayer linked to William Law (Vicar)
- Song: Dear Lord and Father of Mankind
- The Time Box (Head teacher)
- Song: Living and Learning
- Prayer of Thanksgiving (Yr 6 students)
- Celebration Dance (a pupil from each class)
- Cutting of the cake (Bishop and 2 students)
- Song: Thank you Lord
- Bible Reading: Matthew 7: 7-11 (Yr 6 student)
- Message by Bishop of Peterborough
- Song: Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God
- Intercessions (Vicar and Yr 6 students)
- Song: Lord's Prayer
- Prayer of Re-dedication (Bishop)
- Song: Everywhere Around Me
- The Blessing (Bishop)
- Song: The Blessing of God
God is Good, All the Time and All the Time, God is Good