Sunday, April 27, 2008

Nana K becomes Nana D

While we were home in Illinois Kevin's mom was married to Grandpa Jim Downs. The girls were one set of the flower girls (I don't have a picture of the other beautiful girls to post :-( yet...) and Kevin got to escort his mom down the aisle. It was a wonderful weekend. We had a family dinner on Saturday to introduce everyone and then the wedding was on Sunday afternoon followed by a reception. Both events were so relaxing and great. The girls had a blast and Nana & Grandpa looked fabulous.

The Happy Couple - Nana & Grandpa (Nancy & Jim)

The Downs crew and the Duffy crew...

two little princesses...

Princess Sophie

Princess Brittney

Dad and his princesses....

1 comment:

Amy said...

I enjoyed seeing the photos of all of your family. It looks like it was a very nic wedding!