Sunday, October 05, 2008

Sunday naps... or NOT!

Today was Kevin's first full day back in the UK. He is still on the wrong time zone (8 hours ahead); so this morning very early he was up watching last week's Pittsburgh game. The only problem with that, the girls heard him get up & wanted to be up with him... I was able to get them to stay in bed until 7am. Now we all know if this was a school day they would have slept as late as possible. Oh well, they were excited to see their dad.
Church was really good today. The main Vicor gave the message today. George is from Canada & has a wonderfully familiar accent! At the end of the service, much to my surprise, the music leader had me sing the final song as a semi- solo. At first I thought I wasn't supposed to be singing & then he looked at me & said go ahead. It felt like I was home again; I am so thankful for the opportunity this church is giving me!
Surprise, Surprise ~ this morning it was raining & a little on the cold side so we drove our car to church versus walking or riding our bikes. After church ends the congregation stays around for coffee, tea, and biscuits. The girls love this time because they get to play with their friends; we get to meet more of the members, etc. Well as this time came to an end today I told Sophie it was time to go - so she headed off for the front door. Brittney was sitting near me with some friends so I made eye contact with her. About that time someone comes up to Kevin & I to introduce themselves and get to know us. Well, about 10 minutes later I realize I haven't seen Sophie... I head to the door to see some of the older women in the congregation standing by the front door talking about the girl "who is going to catch her death" ~ yep, you guessed it, Sophie had been standing in the rain this whole time. She was soaked! I tried to explain to the women who were starring at me but I gave up. Instead, I went back & told Kevin to deal with his daughter!
Once we got home I was ready for a nap. Isn't today supposed to be a day of rest. Well someone needs to teach that to my daughters. As normal, Kevin & I were napping on the couch and the girls were playing around us. I guess we all got to do what we wanted :-)
Okay, that is enough of an update for today. I don't want you all to get too used to me updating the post :-) Besides, the kids need baths, spelling words reviewed, and final bed time stories read. Sweet Dreams Everyone!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad to see you've posted again. :-)
AND I'm very glad to learn that your church has recognized your vocal gifts as well as your willingness to share them. Good for you and very good for them.