Saturday, November 15, 2008

China (Day 2)

It is amazing how much better you can cope with the world when you have a good nights sleep! Today is to be shopping and more shopping, also known as “Shop ‘til You Drop Day.” We started in the Panjiayuan Flee Market and then the Pearl Market. These were like the Stamford Market on steroids. There was so much stuff. I am glad we had David along. He would tell us if something was of a good quality or not. He also taught us to bargain, and Kevin, you would be proud. I never paid full price, and I usually got the price I wanted. Two times I got a better deal than David thought I would. It was a little overwhelming to have people constantly calling out lady, lady want a purse, or tell me your price, I make you good deal. One woman even took my arm in an attempt to get me to buy a purse from her. Again, Kevin, you would be proud – no purses bought by me!

Before lunch we visited the Temple of Heaven. It is a beautiful place symbolizing so much of the belief system in China. It was built in 1420 AD during the Ming Dynasty to offer sacrifice to Heaven. The Temple is circular and surrounded by a circular wall which symbolizes the belief that heaven is round. The outer most wall is square which symbolizes the earth being square. Very interesting in deed.

Gloria & I in front of the Temple of Heaven

The colors on the Temple were beautiful

One of the pictures below is a symbolic representation of the calves offered during the ceremony at the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest. The other picture...that's Gloria and me in front of the Temple :-)

When you first enter the gates to the Temple of Heaven you are greeted by many entertainers. They are not looking for donations, they are just there to exercise and to entertain. We saw everything from rhythm dancers, chinese aerobics, tai-chi, opera singers, musicians, etc. It was a great insight to the Chinese culture. David was a good sport and participated in Tai-Chi wrestling.

We had lunch at the Old Beijing Noodles Palace. It was awesome. I had David give me a quick lesson on using chop sticks. Then Gloria & I practiced on tooth-picks and napkins until our food arrived. I was feeling pretty confident… even enough to try eating the corn with the chop sticks. Believe it or not, I was successful. However, I figured out why most Chinese are skinny… it takes them so darn long to eat there food with chop sticks they can actually tell when they are full, plus they use the tiniest plates for eating off of.

Notice the corn on the chop sticks (yes, it made it to my mouth)

David our guide showing us how to mix the noodles & notice the decorations on the back wall

Tonight was dinner at the Peking Roast Duck. We were escorted upstairs to our own private room. Again the food was excellent. We had beef & mushrooms, duck (of course), broccoli, rice, lotus root, and bing.

Front of restaurant

Menu with pictures to help us dumb Americans...

LESSON FOR TODAY: This morning while reading out of Isaiah I was struck by how appropriate and comforting the following is for me on this trip: “Be careful, keep calm and don’t be afraid. Do not lose heart. (Is 7:4)” So every time I would start to feel nervous, anxious, or claustrophobic I would think of these words. I am sure the lesson from Isaiah will prove to be very important to me.


The Shoes said...

Cathy - I love reading about your trip! Can't believe you couldn't bring 2 bags with you! That is ridiculous. Keep us posted. Can't wait to here about your time helping the children in the orphanage. Jen

The Roeschley's said...

ummm...not to pick out random things BUT is that a sprite i see next to you? not a Diet Coke? Are you ok?

haha I love you and your hair looks beautiful