Monday, May 18, 2009

She's back... or at least on her way to getting back

When Kevin & I first moved to the UK we had three things we did right away... 1)purchase TV, 2) Internet, House Phone & Cell Phone setup, and 3) Join the gym. Yep, that is the rating that Kevin assigned to our tasks :-) TV first, communication with world second, and our exercise & physical health second.

Over the last 2+ years I have enjoyed my time at the gym, from swimming with the girls; to participating in various classes - kickboxing, body combat, body pump, yoga, etc; to having a personal trainer for a few months; to enjoying the perks of massages and pedicures. Some of my best memories at the gym were when I was working out with friends ~ Janice & I used to take 2 classes a was I in shape then.

In January, Kevin & I decided to cancel our gym membership & purchase home gym equipment. This would eliminate the regular membership fee, the travel time and would enable Kevin & I to work out together. We got a fabulous deal on gym quality equipment from a shop here in the UK and had a great location for it here in our home. We even got a TV for the workout room. We were set.

Almost every morning you can here Kevin in the gym at 6am. He has really enjoyed the home gym & benefited from it. Me on the other hand, I hate it. I feel like I spend so much time at home already that I really missed going to the gym, seeing other people, and basically just getting out of the house. I could always find an excuse to keep me from getting on the home equipment - laundry, cleaning, or basically just laziness.

Last Thursday I decided to take things into my own hands, and I rejoined the gym. I love it. My goal is to go to the gym 5 days a week for at least 30 minutes, but once I get in better shape I plan on rejoining the classes and spending a few hours there. So, here's to weight loss, better conditioning, better health!


Stacey said...

I agree with you-it is much more motivating to get out of the house. I almost always meet a friend at the gym-time goes so much faster!! I only do the eliptical for 30 min. I haven't seen much in terms of physical results although I am sure it is helping my heart but I love the socializing and child care.

hendede said...

You go girl! I have debated canceling mine, as I have just been able to get into town to work out. All the visitors coming and going. Buttttttt, I decided to keep it and I WILL BE BACK IN THERE IN SEPTEMBER! I will be more than happy to join working out with you! I, of course, won't be a Janice Lambie, and I am darn sure that I won't be able to keep up with you at first, but I would enjoy a work out partner! I will work on the weight over the summer and swim in my pool at home! Here's looking at the wonderful new Cathy! Pam :)

hendede said...

Ok, so I meant that I haven't been able to put aside the time to drive into town....... sorry about the mess up in the second sentence. I tend to type faster than I am thinking and skip words! pam