Saturday, August 16, 2008

First Week in the Good Ole USA

Well we are here & we hit the ground running... The girls were absolutely fabulous on the trip over. They travelled so well that they made it a breeze. Kevin met us in Chicago & we drove home together from there. Whitney was waiting for us when we got home; she had diet coke & milk in the fridge and the air beds inflated and waiting on us. It was an AWESOME treat.
I left Saturday morning for Florida to spend a few days with my mom. You know, it hasn't rained in Florida in months but guess what I brought... yep, rain & quite a bit of it. We were able to get plenty of shopping in (don't need sunshine for that) and a trip to the beach. We connected with family and visited the "little" church I grew up in (now it is a campus with a mega-church feel to it).
The girls went camping & rafting with Nana & Jim. They got to spend the night in Walle (camper), have smores by the camp fire, and stay up really late. They came home covered in mosquito bites but had tons of memories to talk about.
Kevin has enjoyed spending some time with Randy, our contractor, working on the house. I am pleased to say that construction is moving along very smoothly & speedily. Randy has done an excellent job of keeping the work site clean & the house very liveable. It is pretty cool to see the outline of the finished project (still many years away though). I will post some pictures later on to show the progress...
Today, we have been fishing with my dad in our lake - everyone, and I mean everyone, but me has caught a fish. Our dock is covered with wasps & no amount of wasp spray has cleared them, but I seem to be the only one brave enough (or stupid enough) to fish off of it -not that it has given me any advantage. We hope to catch enough tomorrow to have a fish fry for the family & the construction workers, so I hope my luck turns.
Well, as Sophie just pointed out, I am the only one not laying down, watching the, I am off to bed. Hope everyone is enjoying this last month of summer. The Duffy's are glad to be back at Duffy Dunes!


Amy said...

So glad to hear you are enjoying your visit back to the US. Enjoy the rest of your time at home...look forward to seeing you when you get back. Miss you...

Holli said...

need pictures of the house and OF WHIT!!! Give her my love!!! Have fun and come back soon!