I can't decide if I am just homesick, overwhelmed with school, getting sick or what - but I could really use more sleep than normal and a magic happy pill would be nice :-). No mom, I am NOT pregnant so all of you (including mother) put that one out of your mind. I'm just feeling a little blue I guess. School is a lot harder this semester. The class is really pushing my limits, and I find it very intimidating. Kevin's work is very, very hectic right now, and I think it would be accurate to say it is pushing his limits right now as well. Most of my close friends are away for the summer so no Bible studies, no lunch dates, and no gab sessions. Gloria is here for the summer so I have been monopolizing her time but she has visitors for the next few weeks. The weather has been okay, but not a real summer - no shorts or extreme heat. I guess that is a good thing since there is no a.c. to speak of. It rains almost every day; I know, I know it is England but man, didn't someone tell mother nature that it is summer!
The girls get out of school tomorrow. They are so excited. Claire & I are going to take all the girls to Alton Towers (the place Brittney broke her arms last summer), but we are going to the water park not the theme park. I believe it is an indoor water park (let's hope) so it should be warm enough to enjoy.
Then I think the girls are going to be part of a soccer/football camp next week in the mornings. Brittney is a natural athlete and is begging to do it. Sophie wants to do it because Brittney is... Hopefully the camp will have room for the girls. Then we are off to America - YEAH!!!!!!!
I am really looking forward to spending some time with my mom & Bill. I get to be there during mom's birthday; I don't think that has happened since I got married. I am sure we will spend some time shopping, walking, talking, and eating; maybe even take a trip to the beach one day. I cannot wait! Plus, I will get to see my newest cousin and all the other cousins. It has been way too long!
The girls get to spend some quality time with all of the grandparents. They are really looking forward to it. Sophie keeps asking if she can go fishing (hint-hint dad) and make a cake with Nana Couey. Brittney is looking forward to those hikes (hint-hint Nana Downs). They want to swim in the lake, visit with friends, and enjoy the farm. I hope there is enough time :-)
Ok, I feel a little better now. Typing it out, thinking about the trip back home, it makes me smile. Sooooo I am off to do some Hermeneutics on Matthew (yeah, now you see why my class is intimidating... just try pronouncing the class).
Love to all!!