Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Last Day of School

Well, here we are in the middle of July and it is finally the last day of school. Here in the UK the schools are broken down into 2 categories - primary school (Reception to Yr 6) and secondary school (Yr 7 upwards). Brittney's friend Emily was finishing year 6 and will be heading off to secondary school in the fall. Tradition is that the year 6 kids get to leave school in a limo - pretty nice huh. So enjoy some of the following pictures...
Sophie with her teacher Mrs. Conkey

Firetruck Lemo - how cool is that!

Brittney wants the Hummer lemo though...

Emily & Tia ~ the year 6 girls in their limo


Stacey said...

I find it hard to believe those can even fit on the streets, in a parking space or go around a roundabout. The girls are looking cute in their spring dresses. I have to admit I will miss those.

Holli said...

that is to funny- the limos! love the girls in their uniform!!!

Amy said...

Very cool! And I can't believe Brittany is going to be in Year 7 -- wow!!!