Sunday, July 06, 2008

LONG, Long time...

I know, I know - it has been a long time since my last post. Well, I won't bore you with all the excuses and details of daily life; I will just say that I did FINALLY finish my first class. The final assignment was a mini-dissertation and without the help of my friend Gloria and my hubby it would not have happened. I finished the writing portion of the paper almost a week early (and for anyone who knows the procrastinating side of me you can close your dropped jaw) but the technical formatting side took a lot longer than expected. I learned things about Word that I never knew existed. I also learned that when I go home in August I will be purchasing Word 2007 (it has some pre-existing templates that would have made my formatting woes a lot less woe-ey...). I haven't got my final grade yet but I have moved on to semester 2. Originally I had signed up for 2 classes - Bible Hermeneutics and Theology of the Old & New Testament. But within the first week I dropped the Theology class - way, way too much work for someone trying to keep up home & social life. When I emailed my advisor she told me those were the 2 toughest classes & to put them together was almost impossible unless you dedicated your life solely to school. Again, I won't bore you with the specific details of the classes I will just say there is tons of reading, lots of lectures, and plenty of weekly writing. I spend almost all of the kid's school day in front of the computer & then try to sneak in study time through out the remainder of the day... oh the joys of "adult" school life :-)))))

The girls are almost through with school; they have 2-1/2 weeks left. The kids & teachers are getting ansy & ready for school to be done; not sure what we parents are thinking. Claire & I have decided the day after school gets out we are going to take the girls to a water park in Birmingham. It will be about a 2 hour drive away and the park is inside. The kids got wind of the idea and now cannot wait for school to end. Otherwise I'm not sure what I will do with the kids the remaining weeks before returning to Illinois for the month of August.

Hmmmm, can't think of much more to write. I promise to write something about our Italy trip & upload some pictures...


Amy said...

I check your blog everyday -- so am very glad to have read something new today. ;o) Congratulations on finishing your first class! I know it was quite a challenge; however you should be very proud of yourself. Well done...

Stacey said...

So happy for you! I can honestly say, I couldn't do it. Email me before you come back in Aug. Let's get together!